Join the 14-Day Reset!

The 14-Day Reset has been so successful, we have one every month!  You can start whenever you want, but we have a Reset Community who starts together each month to cheer one another along!  
Scroll down and check out some of the testimonials from past participants & be amazed!
Commit to 14 days (anybody can do this) and see your own results!

For February there's even a special SALE on the NingXia Red Loyalty Bundle!
For our February Reset, we have a very special deal Young Living is offering everyone that has a Loyalty Rewards order!  You can get the Loyalty Rewards NingXia Red Bundle, which has enough NingXia for you to ramp up your NingXia Red every day for 14 days and complete the Reset! 

This Bundle contains 160 ounces of NingXia Red!  You'll need 120 ounces for the Reset, so you'll have some left over! 

Once you see the benefits provided to you by NingXia Red, we're pretty sure you're going to want to keep on drinking it!  

Keep it on your Loyalty Rewards Bundle for the best price per ounce, AND earn points back (10%-25%)!

If you do not have a Young Living account set up yet, you can CLICK HERE to get started with the 
Loyalty Rewards NingXia Red Bundle!



Questions?  Reach Out

Once you have your NingXia Ordered, Join the Community for ALL the fabulous support and information!