Become a Zyto Insights Professional


ZYTO Insights Pro is a revolutionary wellness screening tool that combines quick biometric scanning with a powerful Web-based app. Connect with clients anywhere and help them discover their top wellness options today!
monthly subscription



Connect with your nearest upline that is offering Zyto Insights Pro Scans ~ (Not the same as the Zyto Balance)

When you have a connection with your nearest Upline offering Zyto Insights, she/he will send you an invitation to do a scan.  If you already have a free account set up through Zyto Insights, log in at: with your email & password to see your scan invitations, as well as the Insights Professionals you may have connected with now and in the past.  When you are ready to upgrade your free account after connecting with your upline Insights Professional, go to Step 2.


Choose your Professional's referral when upgrading

In your Zyto Insights account (when logged in) on the left you will see a tab called "Wellness Professional" - this is where you will choose the person whose referral link you want to use to set up your own Zyto Insights Professional account that gives you the ability to offer scans to others.  


Request links for Training videos from your Wellness Professional whose link you chose to Subscribe through.

Once you have your Zyto Insights Professional account set up through your Wellness Professional's referral, reach out to that person and ask them to send you the links for the Training Videos from Zyto, which will walk you through every step of learning how to use Zyto Insights Pro as a tool to help people and grow your business.